Thursday 2 March 2017

Ted Talk

After my tutorial with John, i went and had a look for ted talks on the subject of creativity and play, i found this Ted Talk by Tim Brown really interesting. He discusses how play can really enhance creativity, and this is why we see children being a lot more creative than when we grow up.

He mentions how playful environments are used by many big companies like google, pixar etc. i really like this idea, and from this it has really sparked something in what i would like to touch on throughout my work. I also believe a playful/happy environment really helps you be creative and there could be possibilities for this experience to be introduced into more work spaces and studios.

I thought of a possible brief that i could do for extended practice, where i could make a series of illustrated games i.e. mini gold course, that could be rolled out and put away in an office etc. This would have to be thought through more thoroughly but the concept within this Ted Talk has started this train of thought with everything i am doing at the moment. Even at uni, i think a playful element would definitely be a great addition, especially when the whole institute is creative.

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