Thursday 23 March 2017

Creative Workshop - Week 2

So it was the second week of the creative workshops and unfortunately there was only one person who showed up. I wasn't disheartened by this as there are a lot of deadlines on at the moment so I wouldn't expect people to drop their coursework for an optional workshop. Either way, the planning of the workshops and the task plans are still important so we spent the time trying to figure out our next moves.

I had some concerns that we need to be a bit more organised with the group work, especially with the easter break starting next week. I don't want us to have really good ideas but then not act on them as it will look stupid on our part. I said that we really need to make posters to advertise the workshops and set up a website, instagram and facebook page and it needs to be done before the end of next week. 

I suggested we use skype as an easier way for us to communicate our ideas better and it will make life easier as it will not require for everyone to meet face to face if we for some reason can't.

We also need to pitch the idea of the mural to Patrick sooner rather than later as he essentially has to plan to pitch it to someone else in the uni and I want to give him ample time to do so before the Easter break. We decided that we would do it the next day, so plans were made for a brief to be written up as well as the pitch so we could give it to him so he could use it for his pitch.

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