Thursday 23 March 2017

Comments from Illustration Student's about the Mural

·      “Experience in murals”
·      “Connecting with the university”
·      “Experience with working in large groups”
·      “Engage with students”
·      “Leaving a legacy”, with it being the first years of the Illustration course so far.
·      “Working collaboratively with Illustration students, which there hasn’t been much of a chance so far”
·      “Will give a sense of community”
·      “If everyone knows each other better, we will have more contacts for when we leave university”
·      “It will be great to work with all the different year groups”
·      “Great to have an opportunity of our work on the walls”
·      “Great opportunity”
·      “It will bridge the gap between studios, as it’s like ‘us’ and ‘them’”
·      “It will be good to have our websites on show for people to look us up”
·      “Personal Stamp on walls”
·      “New experience”
·      “We could learn new skills”
·      “Meeting people and working as a team”
·      “Working to a large scale”
·      “Unite Illustrations as we are all working towards a mutual cause”
·      “No collab. For first year students”
·      “Learn skills from each other”
·      “Learning about the tools we would need to do this”
·      “A sense of independence”

·      “We feel respected as it gives us a sense of responsibility, with no hierarchy”

Going over the Mural idea, he said we need to pitch it to him professionally as if it was a business. Part of this pitch will have to include how it will benefit the university, as they will overall be the people agreeing to whether we can go further with this idea. Although i think there are some important valid reasons to how it will benefit them, I think looking into how it will benefit the students taking part will overall benefit the uni as a whole.

I decided to go into the different studios and ask for people opinions on how it would benefit them if they got the opportunity to take part in this brief. I think the comments I received are pretty positive and will help tremendously in the pitch and when Patrick needs to pitch it to people further up in the uni.

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