Monday 6 March 2017

PPP Peer Review

We have just reviewed each others PPP blog, which i found really helpful, so far I have had very positive feedback about what I have posted already. I have contacts and research, along with ted talks and all of the experiences I have been doing for PPP regarding creative workshops so far. I feel like I do need to make more contacts as I havent had many responses.

For my website I will be creating one with the group I'm working with for creative workshops, we will be promoting what we do but also showcasing the different tasks and themes we do, whilst keeping an updated blog, informing people on what we are doing currently and incorporating videos for showing people how we make things for example, screen printing T-shirts.

What the website will include:

- About Page - Mission statement, including little bio of each person
- Photo/Illustrated header of us
- Gallery of Different Workshops
- Run down of each workshop, themes etc.
- Feedback from workshops
- Gallery of Posters for each workshop
- Contact Page
- Blog

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