Thursday 2 March 2017

Meeting With Group

Our group decided to get together and talk about putting the workshops together. I filled everyone in on what i had done already and we started to discuss times and days, we figured out monday and tuesday worked best for us all but we thought we should double check with level 5 to see their timetables matched up. After all agreeing tuesday was the best day, we went along to start planning what activities that we could do within the workshop.

Things that were discussed:

- I mentioned troubleshooting people's work if they are stuck with a certain project
- I also mentioned life drawing, i think this would be really benefitial, even if it will be only 20 mins a week as a lot of people miss this element from foundation. (What hasnt been discussed: I think we could possibly ask the students whether there are certain poses they would want us to do for pieces of work they are working on atm, along with mentioning if they want to bring props in that they would like to be in the image, if that helps them at all. I have to mention this to the group as this is an additional thought i have had since the meeting).
- Having themes, for instance one week focusing on colour, line, shape, collage etc.
- Fun warm up tasks - For Instance the one that is shown on the Ted Talk I watched.
- We will have music on and maybe some confectionary.

We realised that we will have to make promotional stuff for the workshop, so we need to figure out a name for us etc. We are also going to start making progress with a mission statement so we can present it to John and we are thinking of making business cards, logos, t-shirts and a website/blog.

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