Tuesday 28 March 2017

Level 5 post on their Facebook Page

Student Noticeboard

For the first meeting about the collaborative mural, we decided that we should make a post for the illustration noticeboard so it would be professionally circulated to all the students. I wrote out the post to put on the general noticeboard so that all of the students will get a message. Unfortunately, people have to subscribe to the noticeboard to get emails about the posts, so no one actually got the message, but i have emailed patrick about it and I am going to see if I can get people from the different years to post it to their own noticeboard as I have been able to do it for level 6.

Thursday 23 March 2017

Hasbro Research and Development Slides

We are only allowed to submit two slides along with the videos and they had to show both research and development. It was really hard to keep the slides simple as there was a lot of research and development that went into making the game, but I chose to carefully choose the right information to go into the slides.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to submit anything to D&AD quite yet as their website is down and will be open for submissions next week.

The Pitch

Me and Sophie pitched the Mural idea to Patrick yesterday, i feel like it went quite well. I think we ended up reading off the sheet a little bit as we were trying to share the load of pitching so not one person spoke. 

I think Patrick really likes our idea and i am looking forward to hearing back and see whether we can move forward with our plans.

Mock Up Mural for the Pitch

Before the pitch to Patrick, I made a quick mock up of where the mural would be situated within the department. I used an illustrated mural from online, which is actually what is in the London Nike headquarters.

I do think that our mural would be a lot better than this, not that this isn't good but I think it was necessary for a mock up to be produced when pitching the idea and it gives Patrick and the uni a sense of where it will be.

The Mural Brief

BA Illustration Mural

‘Make your mark on BA Illustration’

The Brief:

As you know we have been running workshops every Tuesday evening but aside from this we are looking to bring all course levels together. We would like to give the opportunity for students to engage on a creative and personal level to create an attractive collaborative wall art piece. The mural would be a talking point for visitors and potential students wishing to attend the college and showcase the talent that BA Illustration has to offer. It is a great way to allow current students to share ideas and interact with different years, breaking down barriers and avoiding an ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality. Students will work together to create a theme, designate colour schemes and combine ideas effectively to carry out a student led project. Everyone from the course is welcome to get involved and all voices will be heard.

Students who are interested should meet on Tuesday 28th March at 3.30pm to set up initial ideas and discuss the plan further.

Deadline: The painting of the mural will take place at the end of May/early June, hopefully in time for the end of year show.

The brief has already gathered a lot of interest from a range of students from all years, so don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

If you are interested in participating in this brief the meetings each week will be mandatory, although this is a platform set up by and for students, it should be treated as a professional brief and it will be pitched to the university.

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to come and find us in the studio or please contact us on:


Alice, Sophie, Ellie and Tyler

Tyler sent over a written brief that we can give to Patrick as what we would circulate on the Illustration Noticeboard. Me and Sophie only amended it by putting contact information on, so overall, i think its a really well written brief and it clearly advertises the opportunity that we are trying to put in place for the students.

The Mural Pitch

Illustration Mural

What we aim to do

·      We aim to produce a brief that will give Level 4, 5 and 6 illustration students and alumni (student president), the opportunity to collaborate on an Illustrated mural that will be situated in the Illustration department.
·      The mural will hang on the wall opposite the sign up sheets in the corridor. We aim to do this by making the mural on a wooden panel that will hang up onto the space available.
·      The brief will be self directed by the students participating, giving them a sense of independence and allowing them to make important decisions regarding the theme and colour palette, which will have to be carefully considered, like a professional brief. We will only be acting as a platform to give the students the opportunity, but will overlook the decisions, to make sure the decisions and designs are appropriate before we present the final piece to the programme leader.
·      The mural will incorporate the designs of each student involved, instead of one student’s selected design, so they will have to work together as a group to make a cohesive design. Although the composition might be put together digitally, the mural itself will be analogue.
·      We will hold weekly meetings for people who are interested to meet and discuss how they want to approach the brief and work together as a big team. These meetings will be after timetabled sessions, so will not get in the way of the student’s work, and we will organize the final painting of the mural to be carried out after everyone’s final deadline this year and will be done in groups so the students won’t feel under pressure with too much work alongside their coursework.
·      We also will have the advice of Adam (Student President), who has experience of working collaboratively to make a piece of work.
·      With weekly meetings of planning and development, we aim to produce the final artwork after the last deadlines in May and complete before the end of year show.
·      During the first meeting will be a presentation that includes examples of illustrated murals that will hopefully inspire the participants to think of themes and things to consider.
·      We will also put up a plaque with everyone’s names and personal websites etc. so it will advertise the participants even when they have left university

How it will benefit the College/students

·      It will be a great talking point for visitors and potential new students arriving on the course.
·      It will showcase the talent that has come from this course since it has started in the last four years.
·      It will be the main piece of Illustration in the department and will brighten it up a bit.

Comments from the students (both L4, 5, 6) How it will benefit them

·      “Experience in murals”
·      “Connecting with the university”
·      “Experience with working in large groups”
·      “Engage with students”
·      “Leaving a legacy”, with it being the first years of the Illustration course so far.
·      “Working collaboratively with Illustration students, which there hasn’t been much of a chance so far”
·      “Will give a sense of community”
·      “If everyone knows each other better, we will have more contacts for when we leave university”
·      “It will be great to work with all the different year groups”
·      “Great to have an opportunity of our work on the walls”
·      “Great opportunity”
·      “It will bridge the gap between studios, as it’s like ‘us’ and ‘them’”
·      “It will be good to have our websites on show for people to look us up”
·      “Personal Stamp on walls”
·      “New experience”
·      “We could learn new skills”
·      “Meeting people and working as a team”
·      “Working to a large scale”
·      “Unite Illustrations as we are all working towards a mutual cause”
·      “No collab. For first year students”
·      “Learn skills from each other”
·      “Learning about the tools we would need to do this”
·      “A sense of independence”
·      “We feel respected as it gives us a sense of responsibility, with no hierarchy”

Comments from Student Union/Student President

·      “Great way to for the SU to engage students on a creative and personal level”
·      Fantastic opportunity for students to talk to a very recent alumni who is currently working in freelance / full time”
·       “The whole concept is a wonderful way to facilitate students from different year groups to inter-mingle and share their ideas, and impart knowledge”
·      “Murals are good experience and a very transferable skill, as many businesses have a great desire to refurbish their property with something more illustrative.”

If you have any queries, please contact us on:

I wrote up the pitch using what we had discussed the day before as a group, although we wont use this to read from, it will give Patrick all the information to be able to pitch to the uni. I got Sophie to read over to make any amendments before we printed it off, but overall, i think it included all of the information he needs so far.

Creative Workshop - Week 2

So it was the second week of the creative workshops and unfortunately there was only one person who showed up. I wasn't disheartened by this as there are a lot of deadlines on at the moment so I wouldn't expect people to drop their coursework for an optional workshop. Either way, the planning of the workshops and the task plans are still important so we spent the time trying to figure out our next moves.

I had some concerns that we need to be a bit more organised with the group work, especially with the easter break starting next week. I don't want us to have really good ideas but then not act on them as it will look stupid on our part. I said that we really need to make posters to advertise the workshops and set up a website, instagram and facebook page and it needs to be done before the end of next week. 

I suggested we use skype as an easier way for us to communicate our ideas better and it will make life easier as it will not require for everyone to meet face to face if we for some reason can't.

We also need to pitch the idea of the mural to Patrick sooner rather than later as he essentially has to plan to pitch it to someone else in the uni and I want to give him ample time to do so before the Easter break. We decided that we would do it the next day, so plans were made for a brief to be written up as well as the pitch so we could give it to him so he could use it for his pitch.

Demonstration Video for the Hasbro brief

Demonstration Video for Hasbro brief from Alice Franklin on Vimeo.

Along with presentation video, we either had to send in the physical game or a proof-of-concept video. Due to not being able to get the delivery label until you submit everything else, I decided to make a video instead so it would be more reliable, instead of relying on the post and for it to get there in time.

Also you have to apply for your work to be returned, instead of it being returned once judged, and I would rather just send the video for now.

I got 8 students from illustration, 4 girls and 4 boys and asked them if i could film them playing the game. It actually went really well to see the game being played, especially when the content of the game sparked questions from some of the male players as they didn't know about pink tax.

Overall, I think this video demonstrates that the game can be played, as well as showing (right at the beginning) people laughing and having fun whilst they play, as that is what they ask for in the brief.

Presentation Video for Hasbro

Presentation Video from Alice Franklin on Vimeo.

I finally put together my presentation video for the Hasbro brief on D&AD using the still images and voice over i recorded in the sound booth.

Im quite happy with the end result, although i think my voice sounds really stiff and doesn't really show my personality very well. I struggle with reading from a script because it makes me sound like this as i struggle to read aloud. But nevertheless, I do think this is good considering.