Wednesday 13 April 2016

Summative Evaluation

To be honest my experience with OUIL503 has been somewhat rocky and unsteady. I have enjoyed many parts and picked my briefs to suit what i would enjoy, but some parts have been extremely difficult. The hardest thing i have found about it, was that it is the least structured out of all of the modules and it is really easy to fall behind in it. I understand that the point of the module is managing your own time independently and briefs by yourself but its taught me that i really need some help on these things.

I found that my time organising skills work best when i work on a collaborative brief as i don't want to be the one holding back so i always make sure to be prepared and have my work ready, which is probably why i actually enjoyed the collaborative brief, despite the disagreements. Thats another thing that was really difficult with this module, we had a clash of personalities, style and opinions with our collaborative brief, which at the time was very difficult but looking back, i think i have learnt a lot from the experience. I had the opportunity to speak up, when things hit rock bottom and i became really confident in my work and in directing the group, which i really enjoyed. In the collaborative brief, i also got the chance to practise my photoshop skills, which i have gained so much confidence in since the module started. I have a lot to learn yet but i have purchased the programme now so i can do it at home as this brief motivated me to want to learn more as i saw the outcomes you can make. Overall, i do think our final deliverables to the brief looked very professional and even with all the adversity, i think we did create a really good brand that i am proud of.

My substantial brief has also been an absolute disaster since the beginning, I've been loyal to the author and the brief as i think it has plenty of potential but the whole ordeal since the beginning has been very stressful. I will definitely learn from this situation to not agree to anything until everything is set in stone and not have to rely on people so much. My illustrations i have made so far, although few, do excite me to finish the brief for the deadline as i really like them, but it has now dragged on for such a long time that i am worried that i will get bored before i finish and loose enthusiasm. I would have liked to do colourful children's illustrations but the restriction is beneficial as it gives me more of a challenge that i could face in the professional world.

My illustration brief i am pleased with, well individually i am happy, maybe not so as a set. I really enjoyed doing quick briefs, it kept me excited with the weekly themes, but i think they would look better all together if i had done them similarly. Although, i did enjoying using different mediums and techniques for the different themes.

I quite enjoyed the brief box brief as i thought it was quick and fun to do. with more time and more digital skills, i think i could improve it drastically but i am happy with the initial designs.

Overall, i have learnt a lot from this module. I have learnt how to work well within a collaboration and that by speaking up helped me a lot and it worked well. I have also learnt that time management and organisation is key and i think if i had done it better my outcomes would have been a lot better, which was proven in the collaborative brief. I am happy with what i have produced so far and with my upcoming deadline in june i think i will be very pleased with my substantial brief.

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