Wednesday 13 April 2016

Briefbox - Coffee & Company

Today i did my brief box brief for Coffee & Company. I chose this brief instead of the others on brief box as it seems fun and it would be quick to do.

I only spent a day on doing this brief as it is only small and i was trying to fit it around other work. 

I am quite happy with what i achieved, i created everyday characters that i think would go and buy the coffee. I have incorporated bits to link each one together.

I used watercolours before i put them into photoshop to touch up and then put them onto some mock up takeaway cups i found on the internet.

I think my overall look is good, i would definitely change parts if i did it again or had more time to spend on it. My work on photoshop isn't very good which makes them look less professional. I think if i learnt some more skills i.e. painting digitally, then it would help it to look a lot more polished.

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