Wednesday 13 April 2016

Illustration Friday - Smart

I have finished my next illustration Friday entry, the theme being 'smart'. I struggled at first to think of anything to do with the topic. So as a last resort and something fun for me to do, i did an illustration of a pug wearing a tie. 

I seem to see pugs everywhere at the moment so it just came to me and i thought it could be quite funny. I also wanted to try a stippling affect. It ended up taking a lot longer than i had expected but i thought it looked alright. When i uploaded it into photoshop and after touching up, i thought it definitely looked better on paper than it did on screen, but for the amount of time it had taken, i wasn't as happy with it as i had expected.

I think if i tried to do this again i would maybe try and do it even more detailed, it would probably give a better effect to it.

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