Wednesday 13 April 2016

Beauty Brand - New ideas

Our group has had another meeting and after going away to think on what we should do, we have come up with some new ideas for the brand.

Firstly, we had to think of a new name for the brand, i really like Sol's idea of 'Me' still, but i think in english it just sounds too literal. So i came up with 'moi' instead, which everyone agreed was a better solution. It still means the same but its short and simple but in french, people might understand the meaning a bit more than 'jeg'.

Vedika is looking at new bottle designs she thinks would work better instead of apothecary bottles.

Sol did start some illustrations of herbs and natural ingredients for the products which we are still going to use in the new ideas.

For now i am pretty stuck on what i should be doing as it seems to be going down a more graphic design route, being very simplistic and as we are using Sol's illustrations for the bottles, i don't know where i could be of use at the moment, which is worrying to me as we all get marked individually.

Im going to speak to the girls about it as i would like to take on a bit more work load as i feel like it isn't been spread out evenly.

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