Wednesday 13 April 2016

Beauty Brand - Final Submission Boards

These our final submission boards for D&AD, the process of putting them all together was really tedious. I think disagreements in the group made it especially difficult and i ended up having to take control over the situation. I am normally quite laid back in group work, not with the work but i am not as confident as others so i don't mind people taking charge, but i found that i had to speak up and get people to work together to get it all finished.

I actually think it was really beneficial to me to speak up, i really enjoyed it, i was choosing the work and ideas from all three of us and organising it so it would look good for our final boards. i feel like i have learnt a lot of design from the graphic designer and i am quite enjoying it. i was also going over what we should say so we were short and precise. I felt like i was in my element and although it took a good few hours, i was really proud with the outcome.

There were disagreements and awkward moments between all of us but i think the experience really taught me how to collaborate with people and give and take in situations like these and i am happy with what we have produced as a group.

I think our work does look professional and like an actual brand, so i think there is potential there. There are things i would do differently if i was doing this by myself but only minor changes and i don't think it would have been as good a brief if there wasn't three of us with ideas.

I wouldn't rush into another collaboration with Graphic Design, its not personal but i found the timetable differences really difficult with having the deadlines and school trips at awkward times. But i have learnt a lot from working with another course.

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