Thursday 7 January 2016

Twilight Lecture - Briefing

Studio Brief 2 - Collaborative Practice

Working in groups of between 2&4 you will focus on he role of the creative team and collaborative approaches to solving creative problems.

Deadline 17th March
Module deadline 14th April


- Why should i collaborate? - two heads are better than one, how will you use them effectively?
- Who will i work with?
- What brief will we choose?
- What do I need to submit?
- How wil i be assessed?


- For assessment, submission work should be presented on 5xA2 boards (digital PDF format)summarising the research, development and resolution of the brief. Please note that these boards will be different (and in addition) to any deliverables specified and produced for the D&AD/YCN submission.

- Development files and blog entries

- Screenshot of your submission to your chosen competition.

YCN - Free   D&AD - submission charge
(enter in to a contract of partnership, share costs of materials, submission charges etc.)

Evidence of Submission:

- Studio Practice Blog
- Products, Proposals & Presentation Boards
- Project Report
- Written Summative Evaluation (750)

For the next session:

- Read studio brief 2
- Sign up/subscribe/Join YCN & D&AD
- Explore the content of their websites
- Read the terms and conditions

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