Friday 29 January 2016

Life's A Pitch - Scripts

I have started to write the scripts for my slides for the presentation. I have left out writing the scripts for the "hi" and "Bye" slides as I would like to discuss it with the group as the script doesn't sound natural when saying hello and I'm unsure whether I am just saying hello or i am introducing our company as well.

The other two slides I have to write for, i have wrote a draft, which needs improving and i think we can discuss it when we meet today.

For the Character Slide:

'I'm Alice, this is Tyler, Rebecca, Naomi and Georgie and together we are creating an online business called Platform.
We are all illustrators coming from different backgrounds, each of us having different and unique styles, which is what inspired us to build a business for creatives.....'

- I found this a challenge to write as the slide is just the characters of ourselves, so i didn't know whether i should introduce everyone, or we should all say our own names. This is something i will bring up with the group when we meet. Im also not very good at writing, which you can tell as i have left dots where i know something should be added.

For the Promotion slide:

'As we are an online based business, we aim to promote ourselves mainly on social media, keeping up with the many social networking sites. We will also hand out business cards and leaflets to art cafes, student unions and *Levels of Education. 
My job as the liaison will be travelling to different networking functions around the country to meet and *socialise with other businesses and creatives.'

- *here I've decided i would like to chat to the group about this bit, as on the slide and my notes we have mentioned promoting to art classes, but i have thought that that could range to loads of levels  of education, also we could promote in public places, like libraries, art galleries etc. I could have written this in but i think maybe a discussion about it just to see what the others think.

The 'Bye' slide:

'Thats all from us, thank you for listening. Does anyone have any questions?'

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