Monday 11 January 2016

Life's A Pitch - Marketing

What is Marketing?

Understanding what consumers want and how to deliver it.

Social and managerial process which individuals and groups obtain what they want and need through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others

- identify needs through market research
- target market
- product management
- develop appropriate pricing strategy
- identify distribution networks
value added - improve customer experience through value added benefits

What can be marketed?

- goods
- services
- events
- experiences
- personalities
- places
- organisations
- properties
- information
- ideas and concepts

marketing is a creative process - each marketer has their own approach but there are some universally agreed and fundamental principles to be considered when strategising for a successful campaign

4 P's of Marketing

- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion

Product- is a tangible good or intangible service

Price - Price paid for product or service

Promotion - encompasses all methods of communication used to inform all parties about the product

Place - refers to the arena or context in or through which the consumer can access the product

= target market


- allows you to sell
- allows you to analyse your product/service
- sell underlying philosophy/message
- helps differentiate from other market competitors
- identify audience
- inform new and existing customers on new product/service and where to access it


- Market research
- Primary research
- Secondary research

factual - Quantitative research
opinions - Qualitative


- strengths
- weaknesses
- opportunities
- threats

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