Wednesday 27 January 2016

Life's A Pitch - Group Meeting

Our group all met together today, we spoke about the individual things we all had to do. We have decided on a logo for our company and have gone through flow charts etc. 

We made a mock up presentation, with notes of what we need to include etc. and gave each other slides which we will be speaking about in the assessment. This part was quite tricky as one of our group members finds it difficult speaking, but was not here so we found it hard to assign slides as we didn't know what would be easy for her to say.

In the end, we just gave what we thought would be easy for her, in the hopes that when she writes her own script for her slides, she will be able to write it in her own words and practice so she will be more confident in speaking. In the situation that she does find it hard, we will all be able to step in and help her along. 

My slides assigned to me are:

- Saying Hello and introducing everyone to our company.
- Who we are
- Promoting
- Good Bye and asking if there are any questions

I now have to write a script for each of these slides and then on friday we will meet up and discuss it.

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