Wednesday 27 January 2016

Life's A Pitch - Presentation Preparation

In this session we looked at some previous presentations from past years. We spoke about what we thought was good about them and what wasn't. 

Things that were good:

- Having a photo on the presentation. This helps people remember you after your presentation, they could be seeing a lot of different people and if they have to look back at your slides, this could help them remember you.

- Making it fun. Depending on what your business is about, tone of voice etc. its good to stand out and not be boring.

- Short and snappy. This will keep the viewers entertained and not get bored.

Things that were bad:

- Too much writing. If there is too much writing on the slides, the viewers will be focused on reading and not on you. Try and keep writing to a minimal and use your speech to inform people.

- Spelling. There were a few type errors in the presentation, which is bad if there is only one sentence on the screen as that slide will probably be shown for a while whilst your talking. Use spell check!

- Being Boring. The presentations were really informative and well designed, but didn't show any personality, especially from creative students.

After, we discussed in our groups about planning our presentation. We have finally decided on a name.... Platform. I really like the name and when we posted it on to Facebook to ask other people, they also chose this. They also chose "Springboard", which we have decided to use as our name for the online forum on our website.

We wrote down what we want to say/show in each slide.

We wanted to consider:

- We want to make it feel like a community/friendly
- Maybe hand moving elements to the presentation, so it isn't just on screen and fills up the time.
- Characters. Instead of a photo, we thought we would each draw ourselves.
- Duke Street. We were told that Dike Street Studios lets you have free rent for the first year, so we will look into this and include it in our presentation.
- Funding. Lottery Community money.
- Promoting
- Advertising the website
- Funding- core business. Not For Profit - community project (safety if it goes bust) No share holders.

This is our plan for our slides and who is doing what:

1. Our Name - All
2. Characters-us - All
3. What we do - Me
4. Manifesto - ALL
5. Target Market - All
6. Visuals of Website - Georgie
7. Submitting work - Tyler
8. Purchasing - Tyler
9. Visuals of Packaging - Rebecca
10. Promotion - TBC
11. Roles - ALL
12. Location - Me
13. Costing - Naomi
14. Future - Me and Naomi
15. Exit Strategy - Naomi
16. Contact 
17. Bye, thanks.

I am going to create  a little animated diagram in After Effects for the "What we do slide". I thought this would be something a bit different and not be boring as we will be talking for a long time. I have just done an animated sting in another module so feel quite confident to do it, although the rest of the group mentioned that i should use the masking tool, which i haven't used before so i am going to try and figure it out.

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