Tuesday 4 April 2017

Stressful group Meeting

With it being the last week before we break up for the Easter holidays, I have been really stressed out with trying to get everything finished for this project before the end of the week. With bad organisation from within the group, we now have not been able to set up the websites and instagram accounts, meaning we have to spend more time to get it done before thursday.

Because of this, it's now taking more time out from doing work for Extended Practice, which i can't afford to do. So with this being really frustrating, I decided we had to have a meeting to discuss how this needs to improve. Obviously, working collaboratively in a group of four will mean that there will be disagreements, but it is awkward to mention problems to each other, but i find it a lot worse to not say anything.

I decided that confronting the problem head on was best, with it being 2 days before everyone breaks up for Easter and it supposed to be professional, then bringing up problems within the group would be nothing more then professional.

The meeting itself was actually really awkward as my main worry was people thinking i was attacking or victimising them, but I had to be blunt to get my point across firmly with no chance of it being misinterpreted. I feel like although there were some tears which weren't from me, which made me feel awful, i think that it was definitely necessary, not only to address the problems within the group but also to keep the standard of professionalism within the project, as if this was a company or a real-life professional situation, the same thing would have happened, if not sooner.

Im hoping from now on that we can improve and move on from all of this, as I wouldn't be able to carry on as it is now.

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