Tuesday 4 April 2017

First Mural Meeting

The first meeting went pretty well, we presented what we are aiming to achieve and demonstrated how we will do it and where it is going to go. I admit that I am very chatty, so a lot of the people who attended, I had already pretty much told them everything they needed to know!

No one really spoke that much but I think that was due to tiredness and being shy, although we did get people asking questions which was nice to see people getting involved and already thinking about different things.

Within the meeting we did discuss that we are going to need to choose a theme for the mural by the end of the week, this will give the students three weeks to draw some initial ideas for the first meeting when we get back.

We were going to use the student notice board as a point of contact but within the group it was mentioned that Facebook would be a better platform to communicate so we will make a group page specific for this so it will be easy for everyone taking part to make the decisions on theme and colour etc. easily.

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