Sunday 23 April 2017

Position Statement

My practice has definitely become more defined throughout this module, not necessarily my practical work but for my future. My practical work this year has been a lot more focused on what I want to do when I leave uni, and I think it has somewhat benefited it more than it has in my previous years. 

Doing work that is around education or informing people has really increased my motivation when working on briefs, I find it a lot more interesting and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have found that research driven briefs are what I like to do most, and I now try to incorporate this in my work all of the time.

In regards to what I want to do after I graduate, I think that I am very prepared to start this next journey. The skills and experience that I have gained throughout this module and year at university has made me feel prepared to go and achieve my goals.

I have learnt many different skills that I feel like will help me along the way; my confidence in speaking and communicating with many different people has grown a lot. I have always been chatty, but now I feel like I can alter my tone for different situations i.e. professionally. 

I also feel like I have become a lot more professional within this year, I am now very driven and work well to deadlines, and I am very focused when it comes to putting a lot of work in. All of these changes will help me move on after university.

I don't want to do my PGCE straight away as I have spoke to a lot of people about this since September, as I have been informed the education system regarding the subject of Art could be changing in the next few years.

In the meantime, along with working, I would like to carry on doing workshops with the Fox Creative team as we are a really good group and it gives us a lot of experience when wanting to go into teaching. I have been to the career track Tuesday meeting on how to get into teaching, as well as talking to teachers and I feel confident that I know what I want to do, and how I will achieve this.

Overall, with all of the things I have learnt in this module and from the people I have spoke too along the way, I feel very confident that in a few years time, I will be an art teacher.

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