Tuesday 7 February 2017

PPP Re-Brief

Today we had a re-brief on the PPP module, focusing on what we need to produce for the module. We have to produce an online presence, business cards etc. I asked for some advice after the session as I want to be a a teacher and not an illustrator. The advice i got was actually really helpful to me as the tutor advised to make these in regards to the creative workshops that I am doing collaboratively. He said we could make a website, business cards to promote these workshops for when we go and do them. I think this will be a great idea. 

I was also advised to contact art councils and outreach programmes that could possibly be interested in us doing workshops for us. I am wary that the others in the group might not be as interested in following up with more, so this is something i will have to consider and mention before I start getting in contact with people for future possibilities.

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