Tuesday 7 February 2017

Ideas For Creative Workshop

We have met up a few times to discuss planning the tasks for the workshops, we have decided to split off into pairs and split the teachers in half so we can show two different tasks and swap over. Me and Tyler, a boy in our group have decided to work together. We have mulled over different ideas, on how to bring Literacy into a creative task, we also have to bare in mind that the audience will be year 7 and 8's, so not to make it too childish, but also considering children that might not have English as their first language.

The idea we have gone with so far is:

- We hand out two small pieces of paper and two pieces of A3 paper to each person

- We ask each person to right a noun and a verb on two seperate pieces of paper, that we will collect in seperate bags.

- We ask each person to fold one of the A3 sheets into 4 pieces. They will use both sides of this piece of paper, so they will have 8 squares in all.

- We would then call out a noun and a verb from the bags and they would have one minute to quickly illustrate whatever was called out for example Jumping Sock. We would do this 8 times, so they illustrated all 8 segments of their piece of paper.

- We ask to divide the next A3 piece of paper into 4, like a story board.

- Once completed, we will ask everyone to pick a selection of characters they have drawn (at least 2) and create a short story, divided into four sections. They will almost write and set it out like a story board.

- They will then pass their sheet of paper with the story on, over to the person next to the them, who will illustrate their story.

The idea of illustrating after the story came from some research i had done about the benefits from art within Literacy. I found that if a child draws from something they have read, then it can improve reading comprehension and increase motivation to read more.

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