Tuesday 7 February 2017

More Opportunites

Since the re-brief, i mentioned doing more workshops to the rest of the groups, to see if they would be interested before i contacted anymore people. The rest of the group seemed interested in doing some more and getting more experience. This morning i bumped into Gareth, who organised the first workshop for us and i asked who he would recommend us getting in to contact with about doing more. He actually mentioned that another teacher from the Cockburn School training day had got in contact with him for us to go to his school and do a workshop. I think this is great news, its really exciting that the teachers enjoyed what we did and actually want us to go to individual schools to work with the students. Gareth did mention that we might night to get a check done so we can work with children in schools as sometimes this is requested.

He also mentioned that he will email the woman who organised the event to see if any more teachers would be interested in us doing more workshops for them. I think this could turn into something that we could possibly take on further down the line. I know at least one other girl in our group is really interested in doing more workshops, which is really exciting as she's passionate about education and working with children.

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