Tuesday 7 February 2017

Creative Workshop - The Big Day

We finally went to Cockburn School in Beeston and did our workshops to the teachers. It was absolutely fantastic, we had a great bunch of teachers that were enthusiastic about joining in. They really enjoyed the tasks and recieved great feedback from them all. I think the best part of the session was the Q&A after the tasks, the teachers started telling us what they liked the most from the tasks we did. I think what was mentioned most was how the 1 minute task was really fun, they normally use reference imagery to draw and they struggled with the task but we mentioned how by doing this makes you more creative, how no art is wrong and how it is original to you. In this time we discussed what we liked from college and what we have learnt since being on the course. I think this really resonated with the teachers, even one teacher rushed to her classroom two doors down and gave her class our task and came rushing back in to show us the results.
At the end, Gareth, who organised this event for us, asked whether any of the teachers would be interested in us doing more workshops with then and straight away a woman put her hand straight up, she was interested in us doing a workshop next term for her year 10 girl students. I think this is great, with wanting to be a teacher, this will be great experience to see what it is like teaching children about art. 

Another great opportunity came up at the school as a woman from the Leeds Library was there and mentioned that there was a workshop coming up in the Library with Illustrator Neil Sharratt. I think it is a school day so has year 6 students, and she has offered us to go along. I think this will be great as we will get even more experience and also in a different setting.

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