Tuesday 21 February 2017


Today i signed up for a tutorial with John to talk over what i am producing for the creative presence part of this module. We spoke about how i want to go into teaching and discussed the creative workshops that i have been involved in with the some other people in the course. John seemed quite impressed with our ideas of continuing to do creative workshops and mentioned that we should possibly not just limit ourselves to working with children and should consider branching out to all ages.

I mentioned that i had spoke to Simon Thorpe from within the college about my interest in becoming an art teacher after i graduate, as the curriculum and schooling could be possibly changing within the next few years. But if the rest of the group is interested, then we could continue to do creative workshops after we finish our degree.

John mentioned that we should get together and make a mission statement, nothing formal, but in our own tone of voice for why we want to do this.

If we do this then we could make business cards, t-shirts and instead of a website, a more conversational blog, with it we could video us making the promotional pack for instance, screen printing t-shirts etc.

There are a few things that John mentioned i should have a look at:

- Leeds Learning
- Ted Talks - Learning from children and Play
- Creative Experiences


A new brief has come out on D&AD for Hasbro. The brief is to design a new game that could potentially be pitched to hasbro and sold with royalties. As I created a board game for COP3, i cannot use this brief for extended practice, but i am going to enter it for myself and potentially get feedback from professionals. I am really excited about this brief, hopefully i would be able to get my work out there and i am especially excited as my tutor mentioned that he doesnt think there will be a lot of people entering this specific brief due to a lot of work having to go into it.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

More Opportunites

Since the re-brief, i mentioned doing more workshops to the rest of the groups, to see if they would be interested before i contacted anymore people. The rest of the group seemed interested in doing some more and getting more experience. This morning i bumped into Gareth, who organised the first workshop for us and i asked who he would recommend us getting in to contact with about doing more. He actually mentioned that another teacher from the Cockburn School training day had got in contact with him for us to go to his school and do a workshop. I think this is great news, its really exciting that the teachers enjoyed what we did and actually want us to go to individual schools to work with the students. Gareth did mention that we might night to get a check done so we can work with children in schools as sometimes this is requested.

He also mentioned that he will email the woman who organised the event to see if any more teachers would be interested in us doing more workshops for them. I think this could turn into something that we could possibly take on further down the line. I know at least one other girl in our group is really interested in doing more workshops, which is really exciting as she's passionate about education and working with children.

PPP Re-Brief

Today we had a re-brief on the PPP module, focusing on what we need to produce for the module. We have to produce an online presence, business cards etc. I asked for some advice after the session as I want to be a a teacher and not an illustrator. The advice i got was actually really helpful to me as the tutor advised to make these in regards to the creative workshops that I am doing collaboratively. He said we could make a website, business cards to promote these workshops for when we go and do them. I think this will be a great idea. 

I was also advised to contact art councils and outreach programmes that could possibly be interested in us doing workshops for us. I am wary that the others in the group might not be as interested in following up with more, so this is something i will have to consider and mention before I start getting in contact with people for future possibilities.

Creative Workshop - The Big Day

We finally went to Cockburn School in Beeston and did our workshops to the teachers. It was absolutely fantastic, we had a great bunch of teachers that were enthusiastic about joining in. They really enjoyed the tasks and recieved great feedback from them all. I think the best part of the session was the Q&A after the tasks, the teachers started telling us what they liked the most from the tasks we did. I think what was mentioned most was how the 1 minute task was really fun, they normally use reference imagery to draw and they struggled with the task but we mentioned how by doing this makes you more creative, how no art is wrong and how it is original to you. In this time we discussed what we liked from college and what we have learnt since being on the course. I think this really resonated with the teachers, even one teacher rushed to her classroom two doors down and gave her class our task and came rushing back in to show us the results.
At the end, Gareth, who organised this event for us, asked whether any of the teachers would be interested in us doing more workshops with then and straight away a woman put her hand straight up, she was interested in us doing a workshop next term for her year 10 girl students. I think this is great, with wanting to be a teacher, this will be great experience to see what it is like teaching children about art. 

Another great opportunity came up at the school as a woman from the Leeds Library was there and mentioned that there was a workshop coming up in the Library with Illustrator Neil Sharratt. I think it is a school day so has year 6 students, and she has offered us to go along. I think this will be great as we will get even more experience and also in a different setting.

Ideas For Creative Workshop

We have met up a few times to discuss planning the tasks for the workshops, we have decided to split off into pairs and split the teachers in half so we can show two different tasks and swap over. Me and Tyler, a boy in our group have decided to work together. We have mulled over different ideas, on how to bring Literacy into a creative task, we also have to bare in mind that the audience will be year 7 and 8's, so not to make it too childish, but also considering children that might not have English as their first language.

The idea we have gone with so far is:

- We hand out two small pieces of paper and two pieces of A3 paper to each person

- We ask each person to right a noun and a verb on two seperate pieces of paper, that we will collect in seperate bags.

- We ask each person to fold one of the A3 sheets into 4 pieces. They will use both sides of this piece of paper, so they will have 8 squares in all.

- We would then call out a noun and a verb from the bags and they would have one minute to quickly illustrate whatever was called out for example Jumping Sock. We would do this 8 times, so they illustrated all 8 segments of their piece of paper.

- We ask to divide the next A3 piece of paper into 4, like a story board.

- Once completed, we will ask everyone to pick a selection of characters they have drawn (at least 2) and create a short story, divided into four sections. They will almost write and set it out like a story board.

- They will then pass their sheet of paper with the story on, over to the person next to the them, who will illustrate their story.

The idea of illustrating after the story came from some research i had done about the benefits from art within Literacy. I found that if a child draws from something they have read, then it can improve reading comprehension and increase motivation to read more.

Creative Workshops

Theresa, one of the tutors mentioned in class that there are opportunities to take part in a creative workshop aimed at children. I am really interested in education and i want to become a teacher when i finish my degree. This could be a great opportunity for me to gain some experience when applying for a PGCE.

When i attended the first meeting we have a group of four that will work together on this. The actual task will be to create a workshop for children in Year 7/8, that will show how art can help children with Literacy. This will be demonstrated to a group of art teachers, instead of children.

This will be great, as i can get some contacts and can chat to the different teachers about how they got into teaching and their experiences.