Friday 7 October 2016


I found John, one of my tutors, and told him my concerns about making contacts with practitioners and that i would like to be a teacher. We actually ended up chatting for 2 hours, he was really helpful. He told me that i should make an account on LinkedIn and contact people who are art teachers at the level of study i want to teach. He actually showed me on his account how i can search and contact these people, i found this really helpful, especially as it will relate to what i want to do.

He also mentioned that i should start contacting people about doing placements, although a placement would be better after january when my dissertation is due in, making contacts now and speaking to schools about how i would start to apply would be really helpful.

Overall, i am really happy with the advice i got from John, he is involved quite a lot with education within schools and is always trying to get art more recognised as an important topic within schools.

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