Friday 7 October 2016

Meet & Greet

Our first day back at uni we had to do a meet and greet with the level 4&5's, we did a mega crit, showing what work we did over summer. We were asked to take photos of the piece of work we liked best. It was really difficult to choose one as everyone was so good. But one of the level 5's work caught my eye quite a lot as i actually thought it was the work of someone from level 6. His name was Wilf as I introduced myself when i found out his work, and i told him to talk to Ian from my course as they were doing similar work and thought it would be nice if they met.

I chose this piece of work out of all he had done as it was actually done on glass and i thought it was just really good, i was surprised when it wasnt ian from my course as they had done similar work which i had seen on facebook previously and i was really impressed.

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