Monday 21 December 2015

PPP Group Work

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend my last PPP session due to illness, which was a big worry for me as we are doing a group task. I got in contact with my blog group via Facebook and we now use this a lot, as a form of contact to talk about our business proposal.
They filled me in on what they had done when I wasn’t there, in the lesson they thought of a few different ideas that we could have for our business. The first idea they had was an online competition with a different theme each month. The winners would then get their work sold as various products on the online shop.

The second idea they had was an art festival, where we would have a portable exhibition, with the possibility of music and drinks. For this we would have to rent space at music festivals and we thought of a lorry to travel round and open up for the studio space etc.

After thinking and chatting about these ideas we decided that although we like the art studio for festivals, we realized that this would need a lot of financing and be quite complicated to come up with a business proposal, as a lorry and a festival space would be really expensive before we even got around to wages and profits etc.

So in the end we all decided that the online competition/shop would be the best idea to take further for this module. It is quite a fun idea, giving aspiring artists a leg up and also is a lot more achievable.

I think it would have been a lot easier if all of our group had been in this session as me and one other were not there so the rest of the group struggled to come up with ideas, especially when they had to do it all again for us two. I am really happy now we all have our ideas together.

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