Monday 21 December 2015

Life's A Pitch - Business Proposal

In this PPP session we were given a few tasks and forms to fill in. This gave us a chance to solidify our business proposal even more. As the session got longer, I started to realize how much thought has to go in to it, you need to think of every little thing and be really direct.

There were limited sheets, so I wrote mine out….

Whats your business idea?

Website/shop – each month there’s a different theme, they have about 3 weeks to submit work for free to the website, we pick 12 winners and send designs to a printing company and we sell them for a limited time on the website in the format of prints, posters and stickers.

How did you come up with it?

The group came up with it in the last session, which I was ill, but after discussions in our own time we discussed different ideas and thought this was the best for costing and it being the most achievable.

What excites you about it?

I think it’s a really fun idea, which gives aspiring artists a chance to get noticed and sell their work. It can also move with the current news, themes and it wont become stagnant if it is changing monthly.

What industry does it belong too?

Creative industry

What Improves services do you provide? Something new? Something better.

We actually think about the artist and the designs and it allows people to sell their work and compete, changing every month – people will be interested.

What is your market?

Anyone who wants to participate, can, artists, hobbyists etc.
Our market is also the person buying the work as well.

What companies are potential competition?

Illustration Friday, Qwertee, Etsy, Redbubble

After we filled in this sheet we had another discussion about our business plan….

  • ·      We decided that we would no longer sell stickers, they are a great idea but we just thought that none of us have really gone out of our way to buy a sticker, we like them but we would normally get a free one with something we have bought or a promotional package – maybe we could give away stickers with our logo on it as a way of branding and promoting our business?
  • ·      Could we associate with another business? For instance, Habitat. We could work with them on themes each month for shop window pieces etc. or in coffee shops or hotel. Would working with a business reflect the quality of a brand? We spoke about this as a group but we questioned what rights we would have to the contestants artwork after we had it, could we really stick it in hotels? Would they need money from it? It was all a bit confusing to us so we are just going to stick with keeping it more simple. Although, we could create an illustrated poster each month, advertising that theme and ask business if they would possibly put it up. Maybe art coffee shops or galleries?
  • ·      Could we get sponsored by a shop? Do a theme related to them?
  • ·      We could design the website banner each month for each theme, like ‘Google’ changes its search engine font.
  • ·      For promotion – send to art colleges, uni’s etc.
  • ·      We discussed if we should let the audience judge the entries, although we said that they might mark it on who has done it i.e. their friends and style over substance.
  • ·      Do we keep it at free entry? This is because we have it for free then we might get thousands of entries and it will take a long time to filter through them all, or we could charge but that goes against our plan to let anyone enter, and it could stop someone from entering the competition.
  • ·      One of our aims is to be as fair to both artist and buyer, we don’t want to rip people off or give a ridiculous price, unlike other websites like redbubble and Qwertee
  • ·      Releasing the products for a limited time only will add value to the products.

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