Friday 20 November 2015

Twilight Lecture - Story and Archetypes

In this lecture that we had, we were taught about the seven different archetypes in stories. We learnt how important stories are and how they have been used for hundreds and thousands of years, all the way back to cave paintings. 

We started by watching the John Lewis advert for 2015, readings critic reviews and seeing how each year, they create a different advert, basically telling exactly the same story.

  • Cover song of a classic
  • Using tear jerker stories to create emotion and pull on people's heart strings.
  • Dont advertise loads of products, they will include one, insignificant product i.e. alarm clock 
Mistakes are good,, if someone hates your work, someone love it

Tom Gauld

We were then shown the seven basic archetypes in stories, each with an example.

  • Rags to riches
  • Tragedy
  • Overcoming the monster
  • The Quest
  • Comedy
  • Voyage & return
  • Comedy

I really enjoyed this lecture, i think i learnt quite a lot about the different archetypes and this would also help a lot if i decide to do the Shutterstock brief as part of this module.

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