Sunday 7 February 2016

Life's A Pitch - Reflecting On Our Presentation

We have done our presentations and i think it went well, everyones presentations looked great and it was really nice to hear everybody's pitches. I was happy with ours, i think i was a bit nervous and it could have come across to viewers, so i think my public speaking is something i might need to work on.
I think it went well, although, after seeing other groups presentations, i think we could have been a bit more creative with it. It's not that the presentation wasn't good, i really liked it and to be honest, we wanted something that looks professional and minimalistic as we didn't want to portray one style when we are promoting a business inclusive to all styles and backgrounds. But maybe we could have put some more creativity in it as well, i think it would have been a bit more memorable to viewers if there was added extra. For example, one group had a lovely animation in theirs, another group wore all yellow, Some had pizza in their slides, all of these are things that have stuck with me, and maybe ours wasn't so exciting now i think on it. 

I also feel like, especially me, presented our pitch quite stiffly, I'm not such a great speaker, so even after a lot of practicing, as soon as i spoke i wouldn't remember anything, this lead to using queue cards. The queue cards were good, but i ended up reading it like a script, which didn't sound natural to me, especially when i liked the presentations the most when people were confidently speaking.

The last thing to add, was what Patrick brought up at the end as feedback, we hadn't got our finances down right. We did try very hard, especially Naomi and Georgie to figure out our finances, but a lot of pricing for things we needed, we would have to directly call printers etc. It got very confusing to us and we ended up missing out wages all together. I think next time, I would definitely try to gain a better understanding into the financing of a business as it would be very helpful. Although, in the business we proposed, i don't think it would actually work out, as we are near enough being a charity for artists. The whole point of our business was to create a platform for aspiring creatives to share their work with a chance to win, without ripping them off and giving both artist and buyer a fair deal. But with doing this, on our plan, we have left out giving ourselves a fair deal as well. This might sound selfish, but otherwise we wouldn't be running a business for a long time before we would have to use our exit strategy, which we might have planned too well, subconsciously.

Now to reflect on the actual collaboration part of this brief, I actually really enjoyed working with our group. I thought we all worked quite well together, we kept ourselves informed through Facebook and i feel like we all worked equally. There were obviously times when it was a little harder i.e. i missed the first session of this brief, so they had to come up with business proposals without me, but we all caught each other up and i think it went very well. It is the first time i have enjoyed collaborating with other people, we all seemed to get on well and there were no disagreements. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this studio brief, after reflecting, there might be parts of our presentation that i would change but I still think it was good and we worked well together as a team and i have gained more understanding on what it takes to run a business etc. So although there are things i might change, i wouldn't expect any different as it's the first time i have done something like this, and now i know what it entails.

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