Monday 8 February 2016

Collaboration Brief - More Research

Ive started doing some research based on what we spoke about in our last meeting together. 

Ive looked at a labelling companies, which seem to do labels for a lot of different things, skincare products being one of them. They are also environmentally aware and can make 'green' labels, which fits in well with the ethics of our business proposal. This labelling company also sends free samples of labels which we could apply for. On the website it also had customer feedback, and one was from a graphic designer, who had a lot of deadlines and said the company works very well on tight deadlines. This has got me thinking that we could possibly design our logo and get at least one printed, or more, and make a prototype with apothecary bottles.

I Started looking into the ingredients for making organic, vegan products, when i stumbled on recipes on how to make homemade products. This made me feel like we should possibly make our own products for the brief, along with the labels and bottles and actually send them products. Although its not what they have asked for specifically, it just shows that we have thought it out thoroughly and they can see what we are trying to portray.

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