Thursday 8 October 2015

Study Task 1

What have I learnt on the programme so far?
  • I have learnt how to organise my time, especially when working to a deadline.
  • I have learnt how to work to a brief i.e. with specific formats, colours etc.
  • I have learnt to use different medias like dip pens, ink, copic markers, which I had never used before starting the course.
  • I have learnt some key digital skills since I have been here, like After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dragonframe, which I also had never been taught before I started the programme.
  • I have learnt to work together with others in a group or in pairs etc.

What do I want to learn more about?
  • I would like to learn more about the teaching, and how to go down that route.
  • I would like to teach myself more skills using Photoshop to develop my work.
  • I would like to learn more about different types of jobs you could possibly go into as an illustrator.
  • I would like to learn a bit more about animating, as I have only done the basics of After Effects, Stop Frame and Dragonframe.
  • I would like to learn more about screen printing, as I haven't really done much of it at all.

What do I think my skills are?
  • I think one of my skills are painting, I quite enjoy using different types of paint and I try to improve my skills and try new things.
  • Another strength I think I have is use of colour in certain things, I quite enjoy mixing up new colours and using colours that I think work well together.
  • I think another skill I have is observational drawings, I quite enjoy drawing what I see and sometimes making it as detailed as I can.
  • Over the past year, I have improved my skills with portraits, as it was something I tried to avoid in the past, but now I really enjoy it.
  • Another skill I think I have is that I quite enjoy researching things, I find it quite exciting finding out things that I don't know, and where it could possibly lead me.

What would I like to improve on?
  • I would like to improve on my digital skills, I know the basics, but I would like to develop my skills further and become a lot more confident with using the different programmes available in college.
  • I would like to improve on doing work that doesn't look good, sometimes i care too much about what my work looks like, where I should make more mistakes and play about.
  • I would like to improve on my writing skills, it is definitely not one of my strong points, so I would like to take this year as improving my skills before I have to start my dissertation.
  • I would love to improve on my conceptual ideas, sometimes I become too literal with my ideas, but I have much more fun when I don't, it seems to be a bad habit of mine.
  • Although, I have learnt to organise my time, sometimes I feel like I could improve on organising how to juggle multiple modules at once and making priorities with different work.

What practitioners am I interested in?
  • George Butler
  • Liam O'Farrell
  • Mathiole
  • Seounghyon Cho
  • Silke Werzinger

What websites/online resources demonstrate my areas of interest within the creative industries?
  • Pintrest
  • Instagram

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